Company / Corporate / Compliance
In the life cycle of your company there will be times when you need to recapitalise the business. When would you need to issue shares? A basic requirement of the Companies Act (the Act) is that the company remain a “going concern” (have enough funding to remain...
Business, Company / Corporate / Compliance
Concepts the West has taken for granted are now being openly questioned, such as, is liberalism bad, is capitalism flawed, and does the company deliver what it set out to do? These are valid questions and we should re-evaluate these concepts, particularly the...
Business, Economy, Financial
On 20th February the Minister of Finance, Tito Mboweni, will make his budget speech. Traditionally, the Minister asks the public what they would like to see in the budget and this year Treasury has specifically asked South Africans to send tweets to @TreasuryRSA...
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