(021) 797 3113 info@dbdct.co.za
Six Tips for More Effective Online Meetings

Six Tips for More Effective Online Meetings

“Meetings should be like salt – a spice sprinkled carefully to enhance a dish, not poured recklessly over every forkful. Too much salt destroys a dish. Too many meetings destroy morale and motivation” (Entrepreneur and author of “Rework”, Jason Fried) While the...
SMMEs: Preparing for the Second Wave

SMMEs: Preparing for the Second Wave

“Forewarned is forearmed” (Samuel Shellabarger, Prince of Foxes) The daily Covid-19 infection rate has decreased considerably over the last month or so. South Africans have found a way to live with the risk of infections and have in the recent past become generally...
Your Tax Deadlines for November 2020

Your Tax Deadlines for November 2020

6 November – Monthly PAYE submissions and payments16 November – D-date for taxpayers filing online25 November – VAT manual submissions and payments27 November – Excise Duty payments30 November – VAT electronic submissions and payments30 November –...