Protecting your Company’s Reputation When Staff Work from Home
“It takes a lifetime to build a good reputation, but you can lose it in a minute” (Will Rogers) Whilst many employees enjoy working from home, this is a time of uncertainty for them. They read of people being retrenched or furloughed and wonder if they are next. The...
What Happens if your Driver’s Licence Expires During the Pandemic and You Have an Accident?
Driving licence test centres were closed during the lockdown and even prior to that centres were running behind in renewing driver’s licences and testing first time driver’s licence applicants. The Minister of Transport recognised these difficulties and gave motorists...
POPIA (The Protection of Personal Information Act) is Now Law and the Clock is Ticking
Globally, governments are responding to the vast amounts of information flooding into the public domain due to the growth in companies like Amazon, Facebook and Twitter. As much of this information is personal, POPIA seeks to regulate how this personal information is...
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