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Crypto Assets and Tax – From the Horse’s Mouth

Crypto Assets and Tax – From the Horse’s Mouth

“The future of money is digital currency” (Bill Gates) If you are thinking of buying – or have bought – any “crypto asset” such as a crypto currency like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Polkadot, Solana (or any of the many other crypto currencies springing up all over the...
Got Cryptocurrency? Here’s How Much SARS Wants…

Got Cryptocurrency? Here’s How Much SARS Wants…

The future of money is digital currency” (Bill Gates, Co-founder of Microsoft) Note: The risks and consequences of willfully or negligently failing to make full and true declarations to SARS, or to submit documents or information requested by SARS are now substantial,...
What Will The Next Decade Bring Us?

What Will The Next Decade Bring Us?

“If we can win the Rugby World Cup three times, surely it is not asking too much of this country to take the High Road twice when its future is on the line? When push comes to shove, ordinary South Africans can do extraordinary things!” (Clem Sunter) The major global...