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Taxpayers Note: How To Upload Supporting Documents Using eFiling

Taxpayers Note: How To Upload Supporting Documents Using eFiling

SARS have instructed that taxpayers on eFiling need to submit supporting documentation as follows: Files should be no more than 5mb each. You can upload up to twenty files. Document types need to be: Excel (xls or xlsx) or Word (doc or docx). You may also use PDF, jpg...
Let’s Be Realistic and Positive in 2019

Let’s Be Realistic and Positive in 2019

“The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails” (William Arthur Ward) As we wind down from a challenging year, perhaps it’s a good time to reflect on how we can make sure that 2019 is a year of positivity and...
Is SARS Attacking Your Medical Tax Credit?

Is SARS Attacking Your Medical Tax Credit?

Taxpayers and tax practitioners have in recent months been surprised to find their medical claim tax credits queried by SARS. Up to this year the processing of the tax credit has gone smoothly. To many taxpayers such as those with disabilities, pensioners and lower...